Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Witch Dreams

Witch Dreams

Vivian Vande Velde

Review By: Shelby

yeah I know Sasha already did this one but hey. whatever. I just got to read it this week.

Witch Dreams is about a girl named Nyssa. She lives during the medieval times and is the daughter of a woodworker. Oh yes. And she's a witch who can see people's dreams. And nobody likes her.

The book takes place when she's sixteen, and working in someone's house as a maid. But earlier in her life, her parents were killed, and during the book she's trying to figure out who kills them.

I thought this book was nice... too short though...there should have been more to the story!! It's like the whole thing happened in three days. There is a "romance" type bit (yes, there is a boy), but I didn't like it because it was too quickly developed... and obvious. But there is a twist that i really didn't see coming, but makes sense when you think about it. I had two suspicions about whodunnit and the book kind of hints at people... not enough for the truth to be a twist, like the other thing. anyway, it's a good book, and it's V.V.V., so read it. What's that other one i read by her? the one about the vampire dude. yeah that one was good too.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The bone collectors son

The bone collectors son


Review By: Sasha

This is about a chinese boy in Canada. His father had a job of collecting bones. the two don't get along very well. Its kinda of like a mystery book...I guess.

It's an okay book. I didnt like it when i first started reading it but then it got better. Lots of little sotries though. Its like.."blah blah blah, now let me tell you a story someone told me about ghosts"

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Foretelling

The Foretelling

Alice Hoffman

Review By: Sasha

This book is by the same author of Green Angel. Green Angel was kind of wierd and so was this. These books take a while to get into, and they are not like you're regular books. these books dont fit into the same formula. This is a good book, but might not be apriciated by those who are not devoted readers.

This book is about a girl how lives in a tribe of only women. This girl's name is rain. She is the Queen daughter and the heir. These women are warriors. Always fighting. Rain's mother doesnt like her.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Witch Dreams

Witch Dreams

Vivian Vande Velde

Review By: Sasha

Remember vivian vande velde? The awsome author. I think i was doing book reviews when i read the majority of her young adult books. This book is just like all her other awsome books. Its as great as the ones before it, and yes shelby, there is a boy.*inside joke*

Thid book is about a girl in the olden days and she can see people's dreams! the book is about her uncovering the mystery to her parents deaths. And there's a twistr too! I t\kinda of knew but then i was like oh and then i was like darnit i should have seen that comming. So yeah. good book. Read it.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Inventing Elliot

Inventing Elliot

Graham Gardner

Review By: Sasha

This one i believe took me two days to finish. It's about a boy who is switching schools. He used to be beat up a lot but at this new school, he wants to reinvent himself so he wont get picked on. He doesnt want to be noticed, but if he's not noticed in a good way, he'll be noticed in a bad way. And boy is he noticed at this new school.

Good book, good read. A little too much advertising of George Orwell's 1984 but i saw the movie so i knew what they were talking about. Though you dont need to read or see 1984 to get the book. The guy reminded me a little of me. Except i'm lucky enough to have gotten through school thus far without any physical abuse.

The Night Dance

The Night Dance

Suzanne Weyn

Review By: Sasha

Do you remeber the awsome reviews of titles such as Spirited and Sunlight and Shadow? Well, all of those books come from the retold fairy tales books. I suppose it's like a prompt or something but they are by different authors, all the same publishing company, same book format, the previous books are advertized on the back of this book and well anyway, they are all great fairy tales...retold.

This particular book is a sort of King Arthur tale. A man marries a mysterious lady, has twelve daughters in less than 6 years (Twins, you see) and then she dissapears. (OOH) So the girls grow up confined in their castle because the dad doesnt want them to dissapear. Then one girl escapes! and see sees a vision of a man in battle. He is the last living knight of the round table and sent on a quest. He has to return Excalibur to the lady of the lake.

Really it is a really good book. I was worried sometimes that it would fall too much into well...the way other books go, i cant really explain what im talking about. This book is very well written. I read it in one day. I lost sleep because i wanted to finish the book. I kept saying to my self, i'll just read to the end of this chapter and then the book was almost over and so i looked at the clock and say oh well, i can just finish it now. :) Read it. Now. Go. Shoo!