The A-List
Zoey Dean
Review By: shelby
part deux!
This book was... well it was ok. I think i got it at a thrift store, so i didn't pay more than $1 for it, so it's ok.
The A-List, by Zoey Dean is about just that: the A-List. The main character is a girl called Anna Percy. She is skinny and blonde and rich: perfect. She moves to L.A. to live with her dad and to go to an internship. On the plane, she meets this guy, and then when she gets to L.A. she meets his friends. Who all suck. They're rich and snobby, and although one girl kind of likes Anna, she is still as much as a selfish rich kid as the rest of the troupe. In these few days, Anna gets a taste of Hollywood trash-life. She really wants to shake off her old self: perfect-little-virgin-Anna.
Well. The reason this book isn't all that great to me is because I really didn't like Anna. I thought the main character was supposed to be likeable.. or at least you're with them so much that they're significant to you. I really didn't like Anna. She was too much of a forced slag and she was mean, too. Very fake. I liked the guy from The Stranger. I didn't like Anna. Also: I don't know if it was supposed to be some sort of common thread, but everyone's dad sucked. Even Anna's--especially Anna's. Except--well that's the end but it was unbelieveable.
It was a trash novel, i guess, kinda like Gossip Girl. I still kinda want to read the sequels, just to see who Anna's going to end up with. Damn you Zoey Dean and your cliffhangers.
read? if you want, i can't stop you.