Goliath by Scott Westerfeld
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Book 3 in the Leviathan series, so I won't go too much into the plot. Though I will say that the main focus in book 3 is Nikola Tesla and his proposed weapon that could end the war! We travel to Japan, Mexico, and the USA, so it was fun to see all those different places, although I did prefer the second book where they mostly stayed put.
I enjoyed the series as a whole, and this book didn't take away from it. I loved seeing the loris mature and learn more, as well as Alek finally learning Deryn's secret! The end was a little underwhelming for me. I wasn't upset with it, I wasn't mad about the decision Alek made, but I still wanted more!! T_T
Obviously, I still loved the book. It's not one of those amazing trilogies with the horrible ending, that's for sure.
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