Sunday, July 16, 2006

Gifted Hands

Gifted Hands

Dr. Ben Carson

Review By: Shelby

Gifted Hands is like the biography of a v. well-known and well-respected neurosurgeon, Ben Carson. We read this in MD Camp. Anyway it's basically about his life and is a pretty good book. It also has some surgeries that he did that were really important. At the end of the book he has a conclusion that is like his outlook, or philosophy on life, which is THINK BIG. I think i can remember what they all stand for
T: Talent, Time-management
H: Hope
I: Insight
N: Nice
K: Knowledge

B: Books
I: In-depth learning
G: God

So that's a nice thingy. This book is really inspiring. The only thing I thought that was wrong with it was that you could TOTALLY tell it wasn't written by a writer (even though i think he did get help writing it). There are grammar mistakes... and the writing style and structure are really weird. Also he uses the word niggle way too much. That is a weird word.

1 comment:

Sasha said...

i read this book before 9th grade. I think i was kinda inspired. but...well, it made me think of the guy everything people say someone died from brain surgery.