Saturday, August 03, 2013

Review: Ender's Game

Ender's Game
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finally got around to reading Starship Troopers Ender's Game, and loved it.

Ender's Game is a story of Earth after two attempted invasions by a bug like alien species. In anticipation for a third invasion, Earth takes its brightest children from their families and trains them in space to be the next commanders of the new army.

I don't have too much to say about it really. I actually wasn't too sure about how I felt about this book until I got to the end, where it all came together. Most of the time is spent with Ender's training, and the rest I don't want to give away. I can't even say that I particularly felt strongly about any of the characters. I just thought it was masterfully thought out as a whole...

I think it came together beautifully, and feel that *that* is how you end a book. Of course there was room for addition, which they did as there are three more books, but honestly it would work just as well as one stand alone novel. I don't feel compelled to read the other three (there was no strong cliff hanger), but I probably will because this one was so good.

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