Saturday, October 29, 2005

Operation Red Jerico

Operation Red Jerico

Joshua Mowl

Review By: Sasha

This book really takes you on an adventure (especially for me because i thought it was a true story untill my curiosity got the better of me and i looked on the little info page and saw the "All the characters are from the authors imagination..." blah blah blah...) But this book is about a secret guld that had been a secret for centuries and a woman wills her stuff to her nephew and he finds her diary and all the gui;ds information and it to the world. So it is a story within a story. Its about two kids who dont know where their parents are and they have just gone to stay with their uncle on his ship where they find out about the guild.

It was a good book. Not the best book ever but i ddi enjoy reading it. And the cover is cool. ^_^ which is why i got it in the first place.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Last Chance Texaco

The Last Chance Texaco

Brent Hartinger

Review By Sasha

This book is one of the better books that ive read. I began reading it thinking that oh, this is just some book about bad kids and in the end she wont get sent to whereever it is that she's afraid of being sent to. But no, this book is in fact more than just some book about some bad kids. Its got humor, mystery and romance and was very well written. I even liked the end!

The book is about a girl named Lucy whose been in foster care for a long time, so she knows how the whole system works. The book begins with her eneting a new foster home. At the beginning i though it seemed pretty dorky, the autors attemps at humor seemed un authentic but my thoughts soon changed. So Lucy goes to the new home and she meets and anyalizes her new housemates and knows that she has to bee good or she'll get sent to the prison like place where the really bad homeless kids go.

I highly reccommend this book, there are some clues left open (just one really) and it doesnt matter anyway but the solution to the mystery was pleasntly suprising.