Sunday, May 30, 2004


I have added comment onto this blog. Please leave comemnts as to weather or not the book seems interesting or if you read it wheather you liked it or not. Or even if you think i did a particularily good job on the review. or if i need to correct to spelling mistakes. If you cant figure out how to work the comments, there are directions on the featured article page. (It will say Update in big letters)

Saturday, May 29, 2004

The Keys to the Kingdom: Mister Monday

The Keys to the Kingdom: Mister Monday

~Garth Nix

This is a series (probably of seven books). The main character, Arthur Penhaligon, is destined to die. He is given a key from Mister Monday, and when Arthur doesn't die, he is followed around my Monday's goons. Monday's goons leave a horrible plague and now Arthur has to go into the mysterious house to find a cure for the plague and so save everyone, and also, to fulfill the Will.

This is an awsome book. It's very interesting and cool how the book transfers from the first book to the next in the series. The second book whick i have just started reading is Grim Tuesday, and the third is Drowned Wednesday. I dont know what the others are called but i'm guessing there will be seven.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Tithe A Modern Faerie Tale

Tithe A Modern Faerie Tale

~Holly Black

(This is a book review i wrote for english class)

The novel, Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale, is a wonderfully written book by Holly Black. I found myself reluctant to put it down before i was finished. The way the story unfolds makes so much sense and you'll be happy for the main character when she figures stuff out. The book is so well written,I could visualize the scenes as if i were watching a movie. I did'nt feel like i was reading a book and there wasnt too much description. If you are interested in fantacy, you will love this book.

(I wrote more but that's all i feel like typing)

Beauty Sleep

Beauty Sleep

Author- Cameron Dokey

This is another story about sleeping beauty. It is told by Aurora herself. This story is different. Auora doesnt grow up with faeries. She grows up in the palace with her parents. I highly recommend this book for people who like faerie tales. This book is full of sirpises. especially Aurora's descision at the end. I didn't see that one commin'....