Sunday, March 26, 2006



Author Chris Wooding

Review By: Sasha

This is a very good book, it gives a great description of the setting without being nothing but descriptions. It a very nice tale and would actually make for a pretty good movie...minus the dog hide part.

This is a fantacy novel and a very good one at that. I recommend this book to people who like to read fantacy. Oh yeah, its about a girl named Posion who is on a quest to find her stolen baby sister. She meets people along the way that help her. And its kind of like a mystery because there are missing pieces to the story.

Friday, March 17, 2006



Neil Gaiman

Review By: Sasha

Children beware, this one is an adult novel. It fantacy. It reminds be of the Garth Nix Keys to the kingdom books. It is set in london and they guy saves a girl and slips through the craks and no one can see him and its horrible. So he follows Door (who made him the way he is) in his Quest to get back home.

It a british novel. And the same day we discussed a brit poem in class, I read a part of the book that mentioned some evil guy that was also mentioned in the poem. Wierd. The novel is really dark but its good. I NEVER would have expected that. I mean, i knew there was a traitor but OMG. Its good.

Trickster's queen

Trickster's queen

Tamora Pierce

Review By: Sasha

This is the sequal to tricksters choice. There is much more action in this one. This book is about the begginging of a civil war to free the RAKA! And to bring a Raka Queen back on the throne. There is much more action in this one. And a love scene. O.o If you reas this one, read the first one first.

Trickster's choice

Trickster's choice

Tamora Pierce

Review By: Sasha

Ive seen hannah read Tamora Pierce books so i decided to read one. This book it think contains charatcers from her previous books (whick i have never read) but you can read it without reading the others. Because its....its a different series. Same world, different series. So anyway, this girl runs aways from becomming her moms projetc, gets captured, turned into a slave, then become a god's...servant? whatever, they (the and the god) make a deal and so she has to keep the kids in this family alive during the summer.

Its mostly talk and not a lot of action. Its really long thought it doesnt seem too long. Its a pretty fun read.

A mango-shaped space

A mango-shaped space

Wendy Mass

Review By: Sasha

This book is about a girl who sees colors when she sees words or listens to music. Then she starts eigth grade and does bad in math because of the colors and tells her parents.

The book was cool because i learned that there exist people whose senses are intertwined such that they see colors and such. Another thing is that i think i boy in my writers studio has this...thing. Either that or he knows that it exists... or something...maybe i'll ask him.

It is a good book. Its a bot wierd at times. Just some things that the girl does. She seems like a good girl but then does bad things and that bothers me. But andyway, its pretty cool. read it.

Faerie wars

Faerie wars

Herbie Brennan

Review By: Sasha

This book is about a normal boy in a normal world and then all of a sudden his life changes. His mom is gay his parents are breaking up and he finds a faerie in his old employers back hard whilst cleaning out the garage. The book is told from the faeries and the boys point of view. The characters is the real world are a bit annoying (and MC believes that they are unbelievable). The book had a sequal that i may get around to reading soon. I didnt really want to finish the book. Not because it was bad but because i couldnt get over MC saying the charatcers were unbelievable. I dont even think about thinks like that while im reading books. I dont know if that good or not.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mystic and rider

Mystic and rider

Sharon Shinn

Review By: Sasha

This book was about a group of people travelling on a kings errand. Its was a good book. The chemistry between the characters was good. there was of course a love interest but dont read the book for the love interest. its all talk. Small and often cut short romantic bits. It a fantacy novel (I've been reading fantacy lately). The Mystic has powers. She is technically in charge of the mission but many...most...well all of her companions basically would be happy to choose not to do what she commanded.

For such a long book it didnt end very well. Throught out the book, the Mystic (i forget her name) knows that she's going to play an important role in the upcomming badness of the world that she lives in but the book ends before any ofthat happens.