Friday, March 17, 2006

A mango-shaped space

A mango-shaped space

Wendy Mass

Review By: Sasha

This book is about a girl who sees colors when she sees words or listens to music. Then she starts eigth grade and does bad in math because of the colors and tells her parents.

The book was cool because i learned that there exist people whose senses are intertwined such that they see colors and such. Another thing is that i think i boy in my writers studio has this...thing. Either that or he knows that it exists... or something...maybe i'll ask him.

It is a good book. Its a bot wierd at times. Just some things that the girl does. She seems like a good girl but then does bad things and that bothers me. But andyway, its pretty cool. read it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shelby said...
This condition is called synesthesia. I've read about it before. The thing i read was a blurb about how some woman had it and she said that her husband's laugh tasted like buttery toast. I kinda wish i could taste music, but i wouldn't want it if it made me do bad in math. I bet it'd make one a fantastic artist though...

I know a song song that's called "Smell the color nine".

i'm gonna read this book. :P you should too.