Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Creature in the case

The Creature in the case

Garth Nix

Review By: Sasha

An abhorsen novella!!!!! I love the abhorsen trillogy and was sad when i had finished reading it. Then, online, i found that there was another addition called the creature in the case. I had to have it but it had onlu been realeased in England. Then at the library many months later i saw a garth nix book called Across the wall, as soon as i saw it i knew it was about Abhorsen. So I got it. The book was a collection of Garth Nix short stories plus The Creature In the Case. So....You might want to look for across the wall if you want to read it. I only read Creature In the Case because the other stories were......not about abhorsen.

I loved it! it was a great novella and i didnt want it to end! It was a quick read and i enjoyed every second of it. But of course, it is Garth Nix we're talking about.

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