Saturday, May 14, 2005

Brave New World

Brave New World

By Aldous Huxley

Review By Sasha

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a book about what he believes the future could become. It is about a utopia where no one ever goes hungry, there are no wars, and no one is ever alone. One of the main characters that the book follows is Bernard Marx. He is an exception to the other people in the society. He doesn’t quite agree with everything that goes on in the society. Also, he is more private and look different physically. With Marx, the author is able to show us the good and bad points of the society. It is a very interesting book but you have to keep a very open mind to read it because the people in the books’ society are very different from the people in ours.

This book seems to be aimed at people who like to read about future and science fiction. I think it is a good book to read. People should read this book because it can be related to issues people are having now. Compared to when the book was written and now, we are closer to the “utopia” that Huxley writes about. Brave New World is like a more dramatic form of our actual future, which I think makes it all the more interesting. The book is well written and the characters are realistic. I would recommend this book to people interested in reading about possible futures or simply someone who wants to read about something new. This book is unlike any other.

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